- One of my friends didn't take a computer back to school with him
- Ski trip status: Booked, confirmed, ready to go!
- What am I trying to do here?
- Here is exactly what I think of you:
- Booya!
- Hope!
- Despair!
- Snowman Update
- I just had a Great Life Experience™
- It's snowing!
- Currently manic
- Add to that pie chart a big slice of study abroad!
- "Pirates"
- My mind, in a pie chart:
- Suburbs again!
- Why I should have brought a gavel to school first semester, and it would have been funny, but now it would not be funny anymore.
- Rock over Pittsburgh! Rock on, Cleveland!
- Too much work? That's a terrible excuse!
- Good grief!
- Tonight I made a wager
- One of the following things happened tonight:
- This post is probably not unique
- File this one in the "what if..." folder of trite speculations
- Life is so bewildering. Parties doubly so.
- Your Louis Armstrong post for the day
- Prose and Khans
- Suburbs?!
- Why only "most things"?
- Hooray most things!
- Gaaaarrghh@!
- Post Raisin Bran is a healthy way to start your day
- Whoop, cancel that last post
- The latest bits
- On glasses
- A little bit of cranberry juice
- The seasons are WRONG!
- Today's battles are fought on the keyboard
- I just made "Let There Be" sauce
- Time by Pink Floyd
- There it is again...
- I hit the ground running
- Inefficiency
- Globe juggling
- Shakespeare is fresh
- Self-denial as selfishness
- Shit, the birds will be out soon!
- Why I like sleep
- While we're on the subject of "people"...
- One week in the life of Dan Tasse
- Uncle Mac
- Is blogging cathartic?
- "'Cause there's no way that I'll sleep when you're near me."
- A post for the less important things in life
- Vague titles are in vogue
- Can we all agree never to say "guesstimate"?
- The bad... and the good!
- Life's a movie, and the director has little strings on everything
- The 90's were a good decade.
- Okay, here's an idea
- Kick me in the teeth with a steel-toed boot
- No, you're not.
- A banana a day
- Waaaaa it's been a week
- Highlights for Kids!
- Now, life.
- I'm sure everyone's heard the recent, sad, news
- Hylame!
- A fantastic weekend
- Was it that obvious?
- Observations
- God damn, Ted Leo
- Fish tonight!
- err... FOOD!
- Tripsburgh!
- More about fings
- I, um, work for this company...
- I am psyched
- Having a job
- On lameness
- Post! Raisin Bran is a healthy way to start your day.
- And... cut!
- The mewling hordes grate on my ossicles
- Bam thwok!
- Quite the day
- Blogging... the modern prayer
- Carnival!
- I heart hummus
- Puns
- The fence
- Let me just post this too:
- Nothing to say
- HaHA! It's 4 AM!
- Another week
- Post in three minutes!
- I feel like a little kid
- So... church
- I love this band
- Loosen up!
- I am posting to the INTERNET at 4:30 AM!!!
- Your regularly scheduled weekly whine
- Ever feel like your life is the Truman Show?
- Wisdom from Wesley Willis
- ... miles to go before I sleep
- Phew...
- Haha, posting away!
- Nyaah! I lied!
- First Post!
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