- Top N, or Pour Me a Glass of that Delicious Kool-Aid, or How Are You Celebrating the New Year?
- Gramp
- Happy Solstice!
- Request for Comments again
- We've solved the nutrition question!
- The loneliest place in Pittsburgh
- Upon realizing, thanks to Alex Belton's blog, that I did a bit more spouting than asking for advice...
- First post in weeks, and it's just a link?
- I choose you, Ubuntu!
- A Taoist would say desire is the root of all pain
- Best day/best day
- God, please let the Indians win game 7
- Find YOUR spot, or, I (heart) internet surveys, or, I must be raciss as hell!
- I missed Blog Action Day!
- Hello The Facebook.
- A note to those who drink alcohol but do not buy it
- Some things that make me excited:
- Another reason to root for the tribe:
- Go Tribe!
- I want to post, but I have so little to say
- Point/counterpoint: XKCD
- Oldies but goodies
- Amen to this!
- Two more things I like a lot:
- Two thoughts about tomorrow's TOC:
- How can anyone expect me to sleep
- Me and my old Schwinn WorldSport
- A few slangs and catch phrases you should know when talking/emailing to me
- A proposal about the nature of life.
- Let's make a convention
- Postin' links, postin' links, postin' links, postin' links
- The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing.
- I think this is pretty accurate
- So they're all like "a whole new world" and then Jasmine goes "wait, how big is this carpet?"
- My room is The Reddest.
- Fence fence fence party paint school
- Fence blogging = flogging?
- God don't let me be a snob
- What I Do (tm)
- The Album Order Challenge
- They missed "Oedipus Rex and the Motherfuckers"
- Belle and Sebastian and The Knife and Justice and Staind
- Mornington Crescent
- AAAAAAaaaaaaaaa Harry Potter Harry Potter Harry Potter
- Official Government Things
- Hey, would you give me a kiss? Just a quick smooch?
- Request for Comments: Laptop Computer for my Sister
- Apparently, gameplay isn't all that important.
- Happy 7's day!
- The confusion sets in before the doctor can even close the door
- I'm back in Pittsburgh
- Here's one that actually is good
- Three comics that I find funny
- Change of pets
- A review of Europe, Letterman-style
- Global warming ?
- Three in one day! Czechs and Catholics.
- Karl Rove and Max Rebo
- Suppose this is an omen that I should post concert reports
- You don't know how lucky you are
- Bratislava is nice!
- It's nice to know that some things remain constant
- Hmm... nope
- The Big Eenentwintig
- Hooray for Jones Soda!
- Trip report: Morocco
- Aaahh just kidding!
- Back from Budapest!
- Dear QuickTime,
- The worst thing about drunkenness
- Anyone know AJAX? and What is it about Christianity? and "At least it's not $1 zillion" and Thanks a lot, slugger.
- Queensday
- A Dutch ad
- I credit Janet for this link
- The Actual Center Of The World, or, I Had a Better Time in London than You
- Here's an article about a guy who is "happy"
- Scotch and who?
- Music gush of the minute
- A quick thought about evolution and capacities and adrenaline
- Black (music) Forest, and Here Comes the Sun
- Let's throw the word "emo" around some more. Also, "carb."
- ... so apparently I'm pretty good at pictures
- Dutch food is not a barren wasteland!
- Hey, Janet, Mike, and Zach again...
- Attitude adjustment
- This is pretty funny
- Another Dutchism
- Sorry, korfball
- Hey, uh, Janet, Mike Yin, Zach Harris?, and all the other hipsters who might read this blog and care about this:
- Not worryin' about it
- I get pretty manic depressive about coding
- This train is going 251 km/hr. That's faster than I've ever gone on land, including the Top Thrill Dragster at Cedar Point.
- Goin' to Berlin, right now
- Vindication!
- Rotterdam? More like Betterdam!
- This makes me wish I was back in America
- Crash and burn.
- A story that I believe should be told
- Parlez-vous Ski Bum? or, Heidi and Rin Tin Tin do not live in Verbier, or, Ow ow ow ow
- Carnaval's almost over...
- A couple things about this past week that I didn't mention yet:
- Your absurd news moment for the day
- Belgium in 36 hours
- I'm gonna go ski in the alps again...
- Een fiets!
- Destinations.
- Also: by God this comic is fantastic
- Amsterdamn, I'm confused
- Look! I have pictures!
- Man, you leave for a couple weeks and all this music happens
- Paris: Better than you might think
- Ik spreek niet vloiend Nederlandse of Duits
- I like this city!
- Alp alp alp alp
- Soll ich in Englisch oder Deutsch sprechen?
- Things I should be ready for in the next few months:
- T minus 14 hours
- Hey, you know the Columbia clothes and outdoor stuff company...
- Happy Christmas!
- No Seattle this summer...
- Scarlet License Plates
- 48 hours as The Man
- Suppose I ought to clarify...
- Here it is:
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