Particularly seek fucking awesome experiences.

or, Normative Heuristic Microethic #2. And dear family: I’m allowed to swear on the internet if I’m just copying someone else’s phrase. (that’s Ben Rubin, founder of Zeo.)

Penelope Trunk writes about how some people seek happiness while others seek interestingness. (I’d substitute the word “contentment” for “happiness.") Sounds the same as Barry Schwartz citing Herb Simon about how people are maximizers or satisficers.

I always thought I was a maximizer. Then I tried satisficing for a few years, trying to build a comfortable life in Seattle. (I can only tell that I was doing this in retrospect; I never set out to say “I’m going to satisfice now!") Now I’m pretty sure I’m a maximizer through and through, mostly because I’ve felt more happy and alive with my current plans (travel around Asia and grad school, both of which are pretty maximizey) than I have in a while.

Tim Ferriss writes about how it’s easier to pursue an incredible goal (win a worldwide weightlifting competition) than a realistic goal (complete a marathon). Maybe that’s for everyone, maybe it’s only for maximizers, but either way I think it’s for me.

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