- Expose the hierarchical file system to the user.
- New bike: Ricardo Villalobos
- Why is "smile!" bad? (It's not the Political Correctness Police)
- I really cannot believe this.
- Knocked on 175 doors for Hillary today
- Wedding planning megapost
- 85% heroes
- Oh man voting in California
- Can politics be "just politics"?
- More pieces of thoughts from notebooks
- the internet: bringing us together and pushing us apart since Jan 1, 1970
- A bunch of small thoughts from an old notebook
- A travel and embroidery project 5 years in the making
- Avoid Brazil (The Movie)
- Weird mornings on Market St, part N
- On being a taker
- A couple logistickey things about costs and gear
- Let's talk about Chinese food more
- What's up in Xining
- Some Helpful Tips for Traveling in Western China
- Traveling with a purpose beats wandering
- Kanbula nuts and bolts
- Another day, another couple of Chinese families adopting me
- One of the hardest things about traveling is you can't be yourself.
- A Woefully Incomplete List of Little Cultural Nuances That Might Be Useful To Know in China/Tibet
- But Langmusi is super boss though.
- In which, surprisingly enough, traveling with someone else's family is hard
- Some thoughts while bingeing 99% Invisible on a bus
- Living half on your phone
- Goodbyes in Chengdu
- Food and coffee
- Chengdu spa day
- On not being a budget traveler
- Chinese guesthouses: what to expect
- A wake-up call from the Van Man
- Some documenting of China
- Dan Goes To The Bathroom
- China: Let's talk uppers and downers
- Tibetan Prayer Math
- Yubeng: some useful tips
- Travel as the ultimate retail experience
- Three things you cannot escape by hiking 7 hours to a remote Chinese-Tibetan village
- Food mysteries in China so far, and our attempts to decode them
- VPN achieved!
- China notes, part 2
- China update, one day in
- Wedding tips I can think of right now
- Man, what a friggin amazing weekend.
- This is what I wanted to say about Trump
- Why economic revolutionaryism now?
- Inspiration in Amsterdam
- Link dump posts aren't the best but it's what I've got for you now
- The quantum foam of our lives
- Is Portlandia our generation's suburb?
- sometimes you can take some of these positions too far
- Scrubby sponges
- election blues (npi)
- Is neoliberalism the problem? What does "neoliberalism" mean?
- simple maximizers vs reason-based agents
- politics update a day later
- talkin bout politics, talkin bout bernie and hillary
- hello friends, would you like this t-shirt?
- Some finances over the last 5-8 years
- Sell a new metaphor, and the world will beat a path to your door
- We need a better mnemonic than ABCDE for skin cancer
- adios for now, Ingress
- Check it out, I 3d printed a thing
- Suit Buying Options (especially in San Francisco)
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