And... cut!

All the craziness is finally over. Freshman year, 1/4 of my college career, probably the 3rd best year of my life so far, is over.

(Well junior year of HS was best I think, then senior year. Maybe vice versa. For what it’s worth, though, last semester may have been the second best four-month period of my life (after summer 04), but fall semester was kind of a turd.)

Hey, now this entry will be a Choose Your Own Adventure! If you want to read an introspective, pretentious, indie-fuck blog entry, continue reading. If you want a normal blog entry and some nice easy-to-read lists, wait for my next post.

So for the movie of my life:

A scene of a party on a rooftop. No guardrails or anything, just a roof. Around, there’s one big lit-up building, a distant view of Hamerschlag Hall, and a valley with not much in it. It’s May, but still brisk outside. Everyone’s relaxed, mostly quiet. A ladder leads to another rooftop; on the higher roof, a circle of people passes around some pot. I’m on the lower roof, someone suggests I should be a politician. I say, “No, if I were a politician, I’d be over here (sits down, completing a circle), talking happily with you. But I’m over here, (standing on the outside of the circle), looking a little awkward.” I talk with some people, go inside, talk some more. Then we all go to Eat’n’Park, which was pretty normal.

So the moral of the story is, life’s sometimes too perfect to be real. I don’t mean perfect as in love, because that certainly hasn’t happened yet, or tremendous luck, because that hasn’t either (although some would argue that I got lucky when they were handing out lives, and I’d agree). Just too movielike.

I’ll stop being all weird now. That all felt like something out of Garden State. But it really made me stop and take notice. Like the day I went biking in Bloomfield, came back, saw my house at the fence, and threw a frisbee for a while. A different perspective. Not in any noticeable way, but it’s like the lighting operator threw a different gel over the lights of my life.

On another note, I love you all. The goodbyes got ridiculous, I kept saying goodbye over and over again to the same people. But now I actually am gone. So I do love you all.

Next post: easy-to-read lists, I promise!


Brian -

So are you back in cleveland?!? if you are, you should tell me some way of getting in touch with you no-phone mcgee. i am here until thursday. i have some plans tomorrow morn and eve but the
‘ternoon’s all free! yeah! party–cleveland style!

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