Nevermind, that's a great concert after all

So AB concerts had 6 choices: Broken Social Scene, Spoon, Sonic Youth, My Morning Jacket, Blackalicious, and some other band I’ve never heard of. In my view, that’s a 4/6 shot of bringing a pretty good show, with Blackalicious and the other band being the not-so-awesome choices. And they picked Blackalicious. Maybe I shouldn’t say anything; I don’t know from Blackalicious. But come on, any of the other 4 would be so cool.

But it turns out the opener is Andrew Bird! And I don’t know about you, but to me, the concert he played out at Point State Park was one of the best concerts I can remember. That should be a cool show. Way to go AB concerts for appealing to everyone.

Of course, it overlaps entirely with an NPP show, but that’s a different matter…


yincrash -

honestly though, a Spoon show would be just be a smaller version of the Shins show, as much as I love Spoon.

yincrash -

Also, Blackalicious is cool because it’s tracks generally lack the violence most other rap acts do.

Anonymous -

I really like Blackalicious, actually. Though you’re right, any of them (especially Sonic Youth or My Morning Jacket) would have been rockin.

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