Hello The Facebook.

I had mixed feelings about blogs on The Facebook. But what the hell? If it works for Jacques Strappe, it’s good enough for me. And I can always take it off.

Speaking of The Facebook, I had an interview with them. Neat, right? I mean, it’s absurd. How does an employee of The Facebook take himself/herself seriously?* Nevertheless, they work with some of the coolest brand-newest technology. The stuff that Google’s doing with massive parallel computation; Google’s doing that, The Facebook is doing that, and who else? Geek out moment, but I feel like if anyone’s going to compete with Google in any sphere, it’s The Facebook. And they’re pretty successful so far.

*Hello The Facebook recruiters! I keep putting self-conscious notes like this, but in this case it’s completely appropriate, because now my blog is on The Facebook. If The Facebook does any kind of background checking at all, maybe they’ll look on THEIR OWN SITE first. Note to The Facebook recruiters: I don’t mean “how does a facebook employee take himself/herself seriously?” in a bad way. It just seems silly, but actually isn’t. It’s like selling fluorescent colors for a living.

Also, I have great taste in music. At least, I like to think so. And I’d like to work for a company that thinks that is a good thing. I’ve got the new Go! Team on my ipod now and it’s making me happy. Speaking of happy: The Fiery Furnaces, They Might Be Giants, Tally Hall, and Broken Social Scene are all coming to Pittsburgh.

In other news, gooo indians! They’re up 2-1 over Boston- awesome. And I’m going home on Thursday to go to the game! It’s like my childhood all over again… but a decade later!

Oh yeah! And Sunday/Monday I’ll be in LA! What the geek, yo?! Next Thursday/Friday/Saturday is Seattle! I still like airports!

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