But it’s all right, everything is all right, the struggle is finished. I have won the victory over myself. I love LINUXES.
I just got a DUAL BOOT up and running on my new hard drive. (that means it runs Linux, but I can restart it and pick Windows and it’ll run Windows if I want.) 120gb of space, a new Windows installation, and to top it off, Ubuntu 7.04 “Feisty Fawn”. So far, I’m pretty happy with the Linuxes; it’s a lot quicker and easier to get it up and running than it is to get the Windows up and running. I don’t need to download 84 updates (literally) for an hour, then hunt around for my video driver which no longer exists. I do need to dick around with partitions, but that’s because I’m dual booting, and it’s not Linux’s fault.
But I don’t want to judge based on a couple days' worth of experience. I’ll let you know my verdict after I’ve, for example, developed for a bit. But my initial response is that it’s about as easy as Windows, and it fits in better with my Fair-Trade-coffee-and-riding-a-bike kind of life.
Take that, Identity Style Guide. I will teabag you later.
I’m excited about The Lounge. Not because we’re creating great theatre. Mostly because it will be super fun.
yincrash -
I had it on an old laptop for a couple of years (the laptop is probably in a drawer this year).
It does want updates. Usually fairly often. It’s because there are about 50 bajillion modules that make up Ubuntu that always release tiny little patches.
That is all.
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