Poetry from the Dream World

It’s late and I ought to be sleeping, but I dreamed hella dreams last night, and I don’t want to withhold this from the Internet:

I dreamed that I heard the most amazing hilarious profound poem and that I had to record it, and then I had a series of dreams in which I was trying to wake up and record it.  I managed to carry three fragments of it into the waking life.  I suppose there were a lot of missing parts, but I may never remember them, so I will just present the parts that I remember.

Let me also preface this by saying, it continues to amaze me how much my unconscious mind is:

- creative

- dumb as hell

- unfettered by notions of what does or doesn’t make sense.

Okay, enough introductions.  Here it is.

“The Bees”

Humbling crumbly brumbly dumb bear.

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