It happened the night before last. First, some background: I’m reading “Lucid Dreaming” by Robert Waggoner, and it’s seriously fantastic. It’s a different world. I’m not sure how far down the rabbit hole I go, but at least far enough to want to know more. I’ve picked up some tips, and this dream provided a smorgasbord of opportunities to try them out. Some notes:
- I was most certainly lucid. I said to a friend,“this is a dream!” It didn’t happen from reality testing; it just seemed rather spontaneous. I caught a coin in mid-air, then I realized I was dreaming.
- I had enough presence of mind to remember things from the waking world. That’s good, because:
- the first thing I did was to start spinning, as that’s supposed to prolong lucid dreams. Sure did. However, I also closed my eyes, which put me into a black zone kind of like floating through space. I wondered if the dream was going to end, but luckily, it didn’t, and I ended up in:
- vivid vivid land by the sea. If I had to compare it to somewhere, it’d be Dinosaur Land from Mario World, if it had been rendered by the artists who did Riven.
- I remembered that profound things had happened to Waggoner after he stopped trying to do stuff and said “hey dream, show me something important!” so I tried the same a few times. No luck.
- However, I saw a FedEx office building, and I didn’t know what to do. I said “Hey dream, should I go in?” and a light flashed above the door. This may be the coolest event of the dream. I feel like I directly communicated with my subconscious. Like there’s another guy in my head creating a movie for me to watch.
- I met a couple people from real life, but they were silent and didn’t do much, like cardboard cutouts. I didn’t particularly try to engage them.
- I feel like I slipped out of lucidity at one point. It started to feel like a regular dream.
- However, then I had the control to say “I want to see my family” and I did. They were kind of floating in space. I couldn’t even see them clearly, but I felt very deeply grateful to them. This has happened before.
- I had a false awakening. I “woke up” in my childhood home, in my bunkbeds, trying to write down the dream, but a friend kept talking to me. Then I woke up for serious.
- I felt wonderful for the entire next day.
All just as this book (and everything else I’ve ever read about lucid dreaming) has said. Wow. I can’t wait for it to happen again.
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