Curating a party playlist

For the last … three hours? I’ve lost track of time. This is a blast. I get so jazzed from:

1. listening to music in general

2. reminiscing about whatever memories come up when I listen to music

3. selecting a bunch of tracks that will completely impress and delight my friends

I ought to get into DJing. Then I could learn how to make a list of songs that actually sound good together.

Of course you’re interested, so the list is below. Comments welcome, especially “I am impressed and delighted!”

(I should also mention that if you’re looking for more ways to admire my vast decade of musical knowledge you can also find me on This Is My Jam or my music lists blog.)

Artist, Name, Album

The Books, IDKT, The Way Out

The Books, I Didn’t Know That, The Way Out

The Books, Free Translator, The Way Out

Beirut, Brandenburg, Gulag Orkestar

Beirut, Postcards From Italy, Gulag Orkestar

Beirut, Mount Wroclai (Idle Days), Gulag Orkestar

Alexis Gideon, Liophant, Flight of the Liophant

Shugo Tokumaru, Parachute, Exit

Röyksopp, Happy Up Here, Junior

Orbital, Otono, The Middle Of Nowhere

Charlotte Gainsbourg, Master’s Hands, IRM

Maritime, Adios, Glass Floor

Bobby Birdman, Victory At Sea, New Moods

David Byrne and Brian Eno, Strange Overtones, Everything That Happens Will Happen Today

Jens Lekman, A Sweet Summer’s Night on Hammer Hill, Oh You’re So Silent Jens

Stars, This Charming Man, Nightsongs

Architecture In Helsinki, Maybe You Can Owe Me, In Case We Die

Architecture In Helsinki, Do The Whirlwind, In Case We Die

William Shatner, Common People, Has Been

The Rapture, Get Myself Into It, Pieces Of The People We Love

The Rapture, I Need Your Love, DJ Kicks: Erlend Øye

Uusi Fantasia, Lattialla Taas / Venus [Acapella], DJ Kicks: Erlend Øye

Justus Kohncke, 2 After 909 / Intergalactic Autobahn [Acapella], DJ Kicks: Erlend Øye

Erlend Øye, The Black Keys Work [Phonique Rmx], DJ Kicks: Erlend Øye

Holy Fuck, Red Lights, Latin

The Human League, Do Or Die, Dare

Jupiter, Saké, Juicy Lucy

Jupiter, Avalon, Juicy Lucy

Calvin Harris, Stars Come Out, Ready For The Weekend

Justice, Canon (Primo), “Audio, Video, Disco”

Justice, Canon, “Audio, Video, Disco”

Gui Boratto, Colors, Take My Breath Away

Air, Cherry Blossom Girl, Talkie Walkie

Junior Boys, In the Morning, So This Is Goodbye

Hot Chip, One Pure Thought, Made In The Dark

Talking Heads, Genius Of Love (Tom Tom Club), Stop Making Sense (Special New Edition)

Talking Heads, Girlfriend Is Better, Stop Making Sense (Special New Edition)

The Go! Team, Panther Dash, “Thunder, Lightning, Strike”

The Go! Team, Ladyflash, “Thunder, Lightning, Strike”

U.S.E, Look At The City, Loveworld

Junior Senior, Move Your Feet, D-D-Don’t Don’t Stop The Beat

TV On The Radio, Dancing Choose, Dear Science (Deluxe Edition)

Broken Social Scene, 7/4 (Shoreline), Broken Social Scene

Andrew Bird, Fake Palindromes, Andrew Bird & The Mysterious Production Of Eggs

YACHT, Summer Song, See Mystery Lights

Cansei De Ser Sexy, Let’s Make Love And Listen To Death From Above, Cansei De Ser Sexy

Grand Buffet, Things That Go Hump in the Night (Ultimate Remix), Five Years of Fireworks

Ariel Pink’s Haunted Graffiti, Bright Lit Blue Skies, Before Today

Ariel Pink’s Haunted Graffiti, Round and Round, Before Today

Air France, No Excuses, No Way Down

Metronomy, Everything Goes My Way, The English Riviera

Stars, Elevator Love Letter, Heart

Metric, Sick Muse, Fantasies

Metric, Satellite Mind, Fantasies

Hercules and Love Affair, Blind, Hercules and Love Affair

Mylo, Drop The Pressure, Destroy Rock & Roll

Mylo, In My Arms, Destroy Rock & Roll

Midnight Juggernauts, Road to Recovery, Dystopia

Blondie, Heart of Glass, Parallel Lines

Madness, Our House, Madness

Robyn, Dancing On My Own, Body Talk

Metronomy, Corinne, The English Riviera

Tarkan, Dilli Düdük, Turkish Hits Vol. 1

Blockhead, Grape Nuts and Chalk Sauce, Uncle Tony’s Coloring Book

Janelle Monáe, Dance Or Die (Feat. Saul Williams), The ArchAndroid

Janelle Monáe, Faster, The ArchAndroid

Janelle Monáe, Locked Inside, The ArchAndroid

Yeasayer, ONE, Odd Blood

Balkan Beat Box, Sunday Arak (Featuring Dana Leong), Balkan Beat Box

Spoon, Don’t You Evah, Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga

Foster the People, Call It What You Want, Torches

My Dear Disco, Amsterdam, Dancethink LP

Dismemberment Plan, The Other Side, Change

Bat for Lashes, Pearl’s Dream, Two Suns

Massive Attack, Man Next Door, Mezzanine

The Earlies, Burn The Liars, The Enemy Chorus

The Flaming Lips, The W.A.N.D. (The Will Always Negates Defeat), At War With the Mystics

DJ Shadow, The Number Song, Endtroducing…..

Republica, Ready To Go (Album Mix), Ready To Go (Single)

Gnarls Barkley, Run (I’m a Natural Disaster), The Odd Couple

Gary Numan, Cars, The Pleasure Principle

Crystal Castles, Courtship Dating, Crystal Castles

The Prodigy, Girls, Their Law: The Singles 1990/2005

Friendly Fires, Skeleton Boy, Friendly Fires

Crystal Castles, Not In Love, Crystal Castles ( II )

Grand Buffet, Born In The USA, King Vision

The Police, Can’t Stand Losing You, Outlandos d’Amour

Scissor Sisters, Comfortably Numb, Scissor Sisters

Ratatat, Falcon Jab, LP3

Barbara Morgenstern, Der Augenblick, Fjorden

Banco De Gaia, Farewell Ferengistan, Songs From The Silk Road

Beach House, Master Of None, Beach House

DJ Shadow, Changeling / Transmission 1, Endtroducing…..


Todd -

I am delighted! But not impressed. Impressed would require me to not already have such high regard for your musical taste, good sir.

I am especially bemused by:
*Kicking it off with 3 songs by The Books. At that point, I go into trance and want to listen to only The Books for forever.
*Only one Spoon song, and it’s from Ga(5).
*Only one FLips song, and it’s from At War with the Mystics.
*A playlist that includes both the soothing sounds of The Books and Stars alongside the hyperactivity of The Go! Team.

But bravo!

Dan -

Good answer! :D

Oh, the Books is just for me. Nobody shows up within 10(or 20 or 30) minutes of when the party “starts” anyway, so that’s a chance to decompress. (Free Translator? That may be the #1 least partyingest song ever.)

Well, Spoon, whatever, they’re fine. Flaming Lips are tricky because their best stuff is largely too spacey or soothing for a party.

And, uh, I just really like Stars and the Go! Team. I never claimed that I was very good at DJing.

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