Gonna try to write this on bitbucket.org, on my phone, due to this. We’ll see how this goes.
It’s a conference at the intersection of art and technology. (Lol.)
Here’s a jumble of notes that might make sense only to me:
- Matt Kenyon - Giant Pool of Money, Tide, and other works involving champagne pyramids - including a polymer that matched the refractive nidex of water and therefore is invisible when submerged.
- Jesse Louis-Rosenberg and Nervous System, edge based growth, floraform, corollaria, auxin flux canalization, space colonization. Binary gltf files.
- Patricio Gonzalez Vivo and Jen Lowe - pixelspirit, thebookofshaders.com
- Grace Boyle - Ise Jingu, hinoko tree, alpha-pinene, gravel, shrine with mirror nobody has seen, Munduruku, lemons go on the high shelf, trees communicate by vibration
- Gene Kogan - wekinator to connect controller to software, ml4a.net
- Carlos Garcia - @L05_ - Kid A mnesia, dreams
- Ersin Han Ersin - Ceiba trees
- Golan Levin - Michael Naimark, first word/last word art
- Walter Kitundu - Kelly Dobson, blender you can talk to
I think I’m getting better at taking conference notes! That’s totally manageable. It’s links I can Google, not all the content.
- Pepper heat dimensions - tables 1 and 2 in section 3. Common language to describe peppers!
- Stop reading the news - I’ve tried to argue this with some people but not as effectively as this. Reading the news feels like a personal-level “we must do something, and reading the news is something, therefore we must do it.”
- The Galahad Principle - a great counterpoint to the Pareto Principle. Some tasks are 80/20, yes, but some tasks are way better when they’re 100% done than when they’re 99% done. It’s important to correctly identify these.
- Taking Children Seriously sounds like non-coercion as a child raising philosophy. I want to learn more about this.
- I keep getting more anti-traditional-school. The idea that kids have to sit down and shut up for 7hrs/day from years 5-18 seems completely insane.
- otoh, I’m having some responses recently that I’d call “anxiety hygiene hypothesis”: I basically never have travel mishaps. But, instead of making me the chillest traveler, it’s making me real nervous about the idea of travel mishaps! I think if I had occasional minor mishaps, I’d realize they’re both rare and not so bad, so I’d be calmer. Maybe 95% non-coercion is the way to raise kids?
- More Dall-E thoughts: it’s really good at low resolution. or, we’re bad at distinguishing at low resolution. I don’t think that tells us very much; we could have a lot of shenanigans in a scrollable interface.
- DMT vs 5-MeO-DMT: this is surprisingly readable.
- image streaming - as I keep thinking “Vipassana/etc meditation is maybe not for me, but something like it is”, … What is that something else? There’s something about Images that sounds pretty good - but how do you practice it? Dreaming, sure, but what else? Maybe something like this. Or like Imaginal Journeying.
- Divine masculinity as 1. Wielding power, 2. Virtuously has been sticking with me. (not endorsing all his tweets or even this thread. But am endorsing some of it.) Refusing to use power is safer, because nobody can judge you for it - and being judged hurts, like having power used against you unvirtuously hurts. (Leaving aside the relative magnitudes; we’re talking in generalities here.) But to fully realize your masculine side (whatever gender you are) requires, when appropriate, wielding power.
- burnout as Acedia - “caring hurts, so you stop caring as a protective mechanism.”
- phronesis, “practical wisdom”. Or, priorities in descending order: 1. Act, 2. Feel, 3. Think. I like this a lot.
- ok, Scott’s post about Hearing Voices is really good. It hits on a lot of important memes: people needing to be quirky and interesting, the “switch” model of anorexia and supporting ppl for whom the switch has flipped without helping it flip for others, the difficulty of news articles about mental health. (See previous link about not reading news!)
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