I keep trying to figure out my depression.1
The right mental model seems important. For example, one mental model is “grade school science fair”: you get rewarded for how hard you try. So if you’re feeling depressed, try harder! (This is not a very good mental model.)
One model I was trying out is Fill Up All The Tanks: I need to make sure all my tanks are full of the right gas, oil, transmission fluid, whatever, then I’ll feel good.
Unfortunately, it’s not enough. Last week I was hit with an intense spat of depression out of almost nowhere. So I’m amending the mental model to also include The Weather: sometimes you just get hit with a storm for no reason.2
Also: The Uphill Climb. Harder life is harder! Here this is not normative, I’m not saying I should/shouldn’t take on this or that challenge, but I should recognize that in the more difficult parts of life, I’m going to be depressed more often.
Some mental models that do not seem to fit me:
- Trauma: as in, “once you find and heal your trauma you’ll be better.” I spent a lot of time looking for trauma and … afaict, I just don’t have much
- The Vitamin: “turns out you were deficient in Vitamin Q, and once you started taking it, you were fine”
- The Big Unlock: “once I started (doing practice X), it really opened things up for me.” I’ve tried a lot of Practice Xs, I don’t know
- Seasonal Affective Disorder: seems to happen just as much in summer as in winter
Mental models that I’m not sure if they fit me:
- Bad Chemicals: “You just have a low level of serotonin, so of course you’re depressed, you need a serotonin-boosting drug”3
- Purpose/Meaning: “John Doe was terribly oppressed his whole life but because he was devoted to God he was happy” It is hard to find meaning in life but with a wonderful family, friends, fine career, decent spiritual life, it’s hard to believe that I have less of this than most people
So, Fill All The Tanks, The Weather, and the Uphill Climb. It’s rather a lot of words to say “I still don’t know what I’m doing here.”
some would say this is futile, or like trying to nail jello to the wall. I get what you mean, and I’m not trying to hole up with some Nietzsche or Sartre until I Figure It Out. We’ve all got to “live in a way that doesn’t feel quite so bad”, right? So if you’re inclined to say “stop thinking and just vibe, man”, then please assume I’m “trying to learn to live in a way that doesn’t feel quite so bad” or “learning to vibe” or whatever doesn’t trip up your word filters ↩︎
Of course, not actually “no reason”, but it’s so complicated you might as well say no reason. ↩︎
I know depression is not just “low levels of serotonin”, don’t @ me ↩︎
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